Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Venting.........In love of course

Usually it doesn't bother me, but today I must vent:

An Open Letter to the Christian Church......and everyone else.

To Whom it may concern:

Sometimes, I get really irritated when I hear people or I read posts by those who think they're particular denomination, or theological outlook is the only one that is correct. I'm no genius, I'll give you that, but I do understand that the Bible tells us that in order for us to be saved it can only come by GRACE THROUGH FAITH!!! Faith in what you might ask? Faith in JESUS CHRIST. Faith in the perfect sinless life HE lived. Faith in HIS death and resurrection. Faith that the blood HE shed covers our sins and brings us into right relationship with the Father. It is NOT faith in Jesus plus a list of rules and regulations that will determine salvation. They tried for a long time to live by the rules and regulations, but it wasn't really working out, so God came up with a better plan. There are quite a few verses in the Bible about this, you should check it out sometime.

Let's list a few things then, that salvation does not come by shall we. Salvation does not come by our denomination, our church, the day of the week we worship, the songs that we sing, the version of the Bible we read, the food we eat, the color of our carpet or any of the other idiotic things that we see being spewed out by supposed "Leaders" and "Christians." (The fact that you may not like what I'm saying now doesn't mean it's not the truth.)

There was a guy named Paul. In case you hadn't heard he wrote a good chunk of the New Testament. One time He said something pretty interesting. Paul said, "Even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach ANY OTHER GOSPEL to you than what you have received, let him be accursed." It's time we start paying attention to that verse. Paul wasn't kidding

As we sit by and smuggly push our pet doctrines and churches, looking down our long religious noses at everyone else, the world looks at us like we are a bunch of dopes who can't even figure out what we believe. Jesus said, "How terrible it will be for you teachers of the law and you pharisees. For you cross land and sea to make one convert, and then you turn him into twice the son of hell as you yourselves are." Whoops, I just quoted from the New Living translation so that verse probably doesn't count.

How many more people are going to miss their opportunity to find a relationship with Christ because they couldn't fit into one particular brand of Christianity? THIS IS NOT A GAME. HEAVEN AND HELL ARE AT STAKE HERE!!

If you are reading this and are not a Christian, please let me apologize for all the ignorance and stupidity. I want to let you know this one simple thing. Jesus died for you because He and the Father love you. You can have a relationship with Him by simply putting your faith in what He did for you. It's not about what you can do for Him. Yes, your life will change. You will do things differently, but that is a result of your relationship with Jesus, not an avenue into relationship. You can't do enough good things to make Him love you, He already does. He loves you enough to die for you. I apologize for those who have misrepresented the gospel. I apologize for those who have tried to manipulate you for financial gain. I apologize for those who have tried to push you into a long list of rules and regulations so you can satisfy their feeble attempts at religion. We have failed you, but please don't let our failures keep you from knowing the God who loves you with an infinite and unconditional love. Trust in Him today. There are many good churches out there that preach the simple and true gospel of Jesus Christ. Please find one of those and learn more about the purposes and plans that God has for your life. His plans will blow your mind.

And to all of the Christians reading this KNOCK IT OFF!!!! PREACH THE REAL GOSPEL!!!



P.S. For more information on this subject, please open your bible and read it for yourself. The book of John is a great place to start

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