since everyone on social media fancies themselves to be part of a consortium of
medical experts, I figure I can join in too right? With the one caveat that I'm
not actually a medical expert at all and you probably aren't either….right? So,
here's my take anyway. I would appreciate if you would at least read and
consider what I have to say. Thanks!
the coranavirus real? Absolutely it is. You have to be an actual certified idiot
to call this a complete hoax. (If that offends you, not sorry, I have a bigger
point to make) People are dying! Is everyone dying? No, but the fact that
everyone doesn’t die isn’t an indicator that it isn’t real.
the coranavirus being overhyped? Yep! Our media wants views and clicks. It’s
all they care about and so they are going to overhype this thing as much as
possible to keep us tuning in. We are being lied to by our media about some
things. If you don’t understand that by now, I don’t know what to say. However,
that isn’t an indicator that coronavirus isn’t real.
if two things can be simultaneously true? I know that seems an impossibility in
the toxic culture in which we find ourselves. Everyone thinks they are right
and there is no other view. However, it is possible for this virus to be
overhyped and at the same time a legitimate risk. Crazy I know, and yet, true!
keep hearing and seeing those who justify downplaying this virus by saying
something like, “Well, the regular flu kills 400 bazillion people every year
and no one makes a big deal about that.” Hey guess what, the regular flu IS A
BIG DEAL! How is the fact that many people die from the flu a justification for
not taking seriously a lot of people dying from another sickness of some kind? There
is an absolute absence of logic in this argument.
how about this? The Coronavirus is all Donald Trump’s fault! He is not trying
to stop it. He wants it to spread. He’s an idiot and must be impeached
immediately and Nancy Pelosi must be installed as the president, also immediately
or every person in the world will die. Or maybe you are of a different
persuasion. Maybe the coranavirus is actually completely overhyped and is
nothing more than a democrat attempt to take Donald Trump out of office. We
must immediately kill all democrat politician’s and constituents in order to
save the world…… What if it’s just a virus that is a threat to many people. What
if the coronavirus can’t recognize its victims by political party? I know this
is a radical concept but hey whatever.
don’t leave me yet, my big point is coming… but first….
couple more thoughts. If the Coronavirus isn’t actually real, then why did
DONALD J TRUMP cancel the flights from Europe? To get himself kicked out of
office? If it is well known that it is a hoax, why do that? It hurts the
economy that he certainly doesn’t want to hurt in an election season. This is
having a massively negative impact on the economy. Why do that for a hoax? Why
would the NBA suspend its season? Political reasons?? This is a multi, multimillion-dollar
organization coming into its most lucrative part of the season. Cancel for
political reasons? I don’t think so. Have you heard of a little thing called South
By Southwest? A huge music, media and whatever else festival that is a really
big deal. Millions of dollars’ worth of activity taking place. Let’s cancel for
political reasons? Even the WWE is going to potentially cancel Wrestlemania, by
far the biggest event and biggest money maker on their schedule. I know many
may not grasp what a big deal this is but I believe they are expecting about
90,000 people this year. 90,000 people’s worth of tickets, t-shirts, merchandise
and everything else. If you have the slightest amount of knowledge about the
owner of the WWE, Vince McMahon you can absolutely be assured he’s not going to
do anything to stop his money flow. I could go on with many other examples but
maybe you get my point. All of this for something that’s known to be fake? Overhyped?
Maybe. Fake? No!
brings me to my main point. One of the big talking points about this virus is
that most people won’t die. It’s just a little flu or maybe they won’t even
know they are sick. Honestly, I’m probably in this category. I’m personally not
worried that much about it for myself. (Even if I got the virus and died, I’m
not stressed. I know where I am going! Can I get a witness?) HOWEVER!!! This virus IS deadly for certain
groups. Groups like my parents who are older. My mom who has many health issues
and doesn’t need to get a virus because of some shmuck who was too cool, woke
and informed to take it seriously. There are people like my daughter in law who
have serious lung issues. The last thing she needs is a virus that affects her
lungs in any way! I have family, friends, church acquaintances of all ages and
health circumstances. They don’t need the coronavirus, the flu or any other
list of things that can be deadly for them even if it is not for you.
here is my question. What if, instead of being so selfish and viewing things
from our own personal medical expertise, political persuasion or our own health
circumstances, WE THINK ABOUT OTHERS?
you could think about my family. Maybe you could think about my friends and
acquaintances who probably would not fair well if they were to get this virus?
What if you thought about the people in your life who are at risk? Is it really
that big of a deal to play it safe? To be a little more diligent about hygiene?
To listen to actual health experts? But but but but what if they aren’t telling
me the whole truth? What if? You need to wash your hands anyway! You need to
clean the house. We need to clean our workplaces, churches and everything else.
It’s the right thing to do anyway!! Good grief!! What have you lost by doing
these things? Nothing!!
it possible for us to exercise wisdom and caution for others while at the same
time exercising wisdom and caution as things continue to get hyped beyond wisdom?
of what’s happening is frustrating. It’s inconvenient. It’s also temporary.
Couldn’t we just try to our best to protect the people around us and leave it
at that without complaining and whining? Couldn’t we just….oh I don’t know…. Love
our neighbor as ourselves? Being vigilant and paying a little more attention to
detail isn’t that big of a deal for me. How about you?
finally, keep this in mind. It’s all about arguments, political debate and
opinion until someone YOU know gets it and doesn’t recover. It’s at that point
everything gets very real. How about if we just do what we should do anyway to
try and make sure that doesn’t happen?
Blessed, Tom
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