I was talking to a young man recently. He was one of the core members of my youth group back in my youth pastoring days. Since then he has gotten married, had a child and started a successful small business. We spoke of his struggles growing his business and knowing when to expand or to hold off. Where is that fine line between faith and wisdom anyway? I was sharing about some of the obstacles we have faced in building our church facility and pastoring a church in general. Obviously there are differences between business and pastoring, but there are some things that are the same no matter what you feel like your life’s career or pursuit might be. One of those things is that nothing in life is certain except for the fact that nearly everything is uncertain.
the course of the conversation I was reminded of a plaque that usually sits on
my desk, although, at this moment, it is wrapped in newspaper and safely
sitting in a storage unit waiting for the completion of our church facility.
(Speaking of obstacles) The plaque was actually a gift from my wife. I don’t
remember now what the occasion was, but I do remember how those few simple
words impacted me and have helped guide me through some big and, at times,
scary decisions I have had to make. The plaque simply says, “SOMETIMES YOU’VE
not too old….at least that’s what I keep telling myself. I am, however, older
than I’ve ever been, and in all of my years I’ve noticed a couple different types
of people.
there are those people who just live to make it through the day. Sure, there
was a time when they had a dream or a vision about where God would take them,
but that time has seemingly past. Now it’s just the same old job, the same old
routine, the same old everything. Often these same people will complain about
their job, circumstances or whatever, but never seem to do anything about it.
It’s like the man who opened his lunch box and said “bologna on white bread
again!” When his co-worker said, “why don’t you ask your wife to make something
different?” The man replied, “My wife doesn’t make my lunch I do.” If you don’t
like it, why not try something different? Often these people will say things
like, “It just is what it is” or “I used to have a dream but life got in the
way.” Maybe they will say something like, “I’ve got it pretty good here, I
should be happy.” Although while they are speaking you can palpably feel that
they are not where they want to be and they are most certainly not happy or
the other side of the coin, I’ve seen the faith-walking, risk takers. Last year
I had the opportunity to speak at a church that was founded by a friend, who
unfortunately for us, passed and went on to be with the Lord at a pretty young
age. Their facility is actually an old school that was purchased and turned in
to a church. This was no small undertaking, financially or practically. This is
also not some big mega-church congregation. Instead, it’s a small but dedicated
group of believers who were, up until his passing, led by one of the most faith-filled
people I have ever met. Since his passing, his wife and other members have picked up the
baton and continued to carry the vision instilled by Pastor Jeff.
of those young men was showing me around the facility when he relayed to me a
story that I didn’t know. He said, “Pastor Jeff heard about another pastor, who
we all mutually know, who had a vision to buy a school and turn it in to a
church. That pastor did exactly that, and has built a beautiful facility." He
continued, “Pastor Jeff said, if God can do it for them, He can do it for us
too.” So they set out, with mostly faith and with very little in the way of
resources and managed to buy the school and convert it in to the church that it
is today. This place is now being used to worship God, preach the gospel, heal
the sick and set captives free. Has the journey been easy? Not so much. Was it
possible? Many would probably say no, but apparently it was, because they did
it. The last time I checked my Bible still says, “With God, All things are
is the difference between the “it is what it is” folks and the risk takers? I
have learned from my own journey with God that it is simply a matter of faith
versus fear. Did I say simply? Yes! Did I say easy? No! There is a difference.
battle between faith and fear is a battle that we all will face. It makes no
difference what our vision, career, family situation, finances or anything else
may be. Faith will always be locked in a war with fear. Whichever one you
choose will determine whether you sit where you’re at or you take a leap of
faith and risk it all in pursuit of a God-given vision.
want to make something clear though. I’m not talking about some insane and
unwise leap into something that is not of God. I’m talking about those times
when something is pulling you to make a move and you know that it is God. The enemy
will begin to jump on you with fear, doubt and discouragement like, as they
say, a spider monkey jacked up on Mountain Dew. These attacks can tempt you to
back off and maintain the status quo. Don’t do it! Step out and believe God. It
will not be easy, but it will be worth it.
I’m typing this, our church has been in the midst of a fourteen month battle to
renovate a building we purchased. One thing after another has come up and, at
times, has seemingly created an impassable barrier between what I have felt God
has said and the “reality” of our situation. Over the course of this time there
has been a price to pay. Some people have left the church. It has caused
financial stress, personal stress, church stress and any other kind of stress
you can imagine. At times people have wondered if we made the right move. Truth
be told, I’ve gone to God on more than one occasion and said, “Are you sure? Did
I hear you right?” Each time there is an assurance that comes over me and a
voice inside that says, “Just keep moving and trust me.”
the last couple of months things have finally started to move. Are all the
obstacles gone? Not yet. I doubt they will ever be gone, but there is a
mountain that is moving. Walls are being built, platforms are being constructed
and new plumbing is almost finished. I have never heard something as beautiful
as the sound of a nail gun and a skill saw. The gap between the vision in my
head and the building I’m looking at is getting smaller by the day. I can see
the finish line. It is still a little way off in the distance, but I can see
it. I can visualize the day when we walk in to a facility that is complete and
ready to be used to worship the King of Kings and spread the gospel of the Kingdom of God.
of this would have been possible if not for a decision that I made, along with
my family, our leaders and our congregation to jump ship from the facility that
had been our comfortable home for nearly seven years, purchase a building that
needed a ridiculous amount of work and set up church in a hotel conference room
while we try to get it renovated. From a strictly human point of view, we must
have been out of our minds. However, fourteen months of headaches later and I
can tell you with assurance that I see the end of the road, and at the end of
the road, I am going to say it was all worth it.
many points along the way, I have thrown up my arms and said, “God, I jumped in
faith and I feel like I’m crashing and burning.” Gently and with a great amount
of love and assurance, God keeps saying, “Just keep building your wings and you
will be alright.” By faith I am taking Him at His Word.
what about you? Are you an “is what it is” person? Is God calling you out in to
some kind of adventure that seems ridiculous? Do you know it’s him? If so,
maybe it’s time to jump. From a fellow jumper who is furiously trying to build
my wings, I say Go for it! It is better to try and fail than to live life
without having tried at all. You just might find that, if God is in it, you won’t
fail at all. Instead you just might realize that you were born to fly.