Friday, August 21, 2009

This Christ thing ain't no joke

Romans 5:10(NLT)
10 For since we were restored to friendship with God by the death of his Son while we were still his enemies, we will certainly be delivered from eternal punishment by his life.

Tonight at our couples bible study we were breaching the topic of forgiveness. As we were working through our study we came across several verses about the love that God had for us even before we came into relationship with Him. It dawned on me(not that I didn't know before, but sometimes lightbulbs come on) that this Christian thing is no joke. So many people see Christianity as this fluffy, sissified crutch that is for the whimps, the weak, and the losers.

The truth of the matter is that it takes a ridiculous amount of guts to live a Christ-like life. As you study the requirements that scripture gives us, you quickly realize it is difficult, actually more than difficult. It is impossible. It is impossible to have the kind of love that Christ showed us, and the kind of forgiveness that Christ offers us. The Kind of love and forgiveness that is supposed to be our model for relationships with others.

Think about this verse for just a second, our relationship with Christ that was, or maybe is if you don't know Christ, completely severed and destroyed because of our sin and our failures was restored because of His willingness to be mocked, beaten, spit upon, nailed to a cross and speared through the side. I defy anyone to tell me that someone who would go through that willingly, while all the while having the power to stop it at any time is weak. He did this for you. He did this so that the relationship that had been broken because of YOU could be restored. He did this even when you were his ENEMY!

Why would Christ do something like this? It doesn't make sense does it? Why would someone go through all of that in order to restore a relationship with someone who lives every day in rebellion against everything He(Christ) is about? Why?

It's because of His love for you. I'm not talking about the fake and fluffy kind of love so often attributed to Jesus. This sissy white guy with girlish wavy brown hair and a cool white robe and birkenstocks floating from place to place spouting off some kind of 60's love child philosophy. Jesus was not the "make love, not war" hippy so many make Him out to be.

No, quite the contrary, The love of Jesus was a violent love, an unconditional love, a love that had nothing to do with you deserving it. A love that could stand through every test and trial. A love that could stand through every act of rebellion, every sin, every failure that you could possibly conceive. When you fail in the biggest possible way, His love still remains. When you deserve absolutely no forgiveness for your offenses against God, He still stands ready to forgive.
That kind of love is not a joke.

Now here is the mind blower. The same love and forgiveness that Christ offers us, is the same kind of love and forgiveness that He expects us to give to others. WHAT??? Are you kidding me? He wants me to forgive that jerk that cut me off in traffic? He wants me to love that busy body in the church that has been lying and spreading rumors about me? He wants me to forgive that monster that hurt me physically or mentally or spiritually?

The answer, as tough as it may seem is yes. Forgiveness is not an option in Christ's plan. In fact, He says very plainly, forgive others as I have forgiven you. Love others as I have loved you.

Christianity, a religion for the weak? I don't think so. This kind of love and forgiveness is definitely not for the weak.

So what is the key to all of this???


What???? Gratitude! What does that have to do with any thing?

It comes down to this. When we get off our high horse of pride and anger and unforgiveness and understand the kind of love we have been shown, we need to, as one of the young ladies in our group shared tonight, pay it forward. There is NO ONE on this planet that has wronged you to the extent that you have wronged God. If Christ, after everything you have done, could forgive you, then those who really get it, and are grateful for it will give that same kind of forgiveness to others.

Is that easy? No Way. No one ever said it would be. The cool thing about it though, is that once you decide to love and forgive on a level beyond your capacity, The Spirit of God will come in and give you the extra stuff you need to do what is impossible to do on your own.

So how about it Christian, it's time to man up(or woman up :) ) whatever the case may be and embark on the adventure of love and forgiveness. It starts with saying, Jesus I thank you that you loved me and forgave me, when I was your enemy. Please help me to learn this kind of love and forgiveness for others.

If you don't know Christ as your savior yet, then it starts with saying, Jesus I recognize that I have done things that have offended you. I have sinned against you and against your love, and I ask you to forgive me for that. I accept your forgiveness and your love, and I will spend the rest of my life living for you in the light of that love. Help me to live for you and to love like you do.

Is this easy? I don't think so.

Is it worth it? Absolutely

B Blessed, Tom

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